zondag 15 november 2015

Paul Craig Roberts 137

Food For Thought: The Found Passport

Food For Thought: The Found Passport
The “found passport” worked for them for 9/11. It worked again for Charlie Hebdo. So now they have used it a third time. They know that Americans are total dumbshits and can be told anything. No matter how preposterous, the dumbshits will believe it. But Americans are not capable of believing truth. They have been brainwashed that truth is “conspiracy theory.” A population this stupid has no future.
Remember, on 9/11 an exercise simulating the day’s real events was being conducted. Again, we hear the same thing about the Paris attacks. What an unusual coincidence! But the dumbshit Western populations are not capable of noticing. Apparently neither are the Russians.
The articles below show that there is a lot of room for a lot of suspicion. But blinded eyes cannot see.

French Security Left Blind During November 13 Paris Terror Attacks


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French soldiers at the Eiffel Tower after the Paris shootings. Photo: Reuters
I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks. 
Amongst other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance. The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.
Such an attack is beyond the capability of most organizations and requires capability that is unlikely to be in ISIL’s arsenal. An attack on this scale is difficult to pull off without authorities getting wind of it. The coordination required suggests state involvement.
It is common for people with no experience in government to believe that false flag attacks are not possible, because they think the entire government would have to be involved and not everyone would go along with it. Someone would talk. However, if the report I have received is correct, hardly anyone has to be involved, and security forces are simply disabled.
Remember the reports that during 9/11, a simulation of the actual events that were occuring was being conducted, thus confusing responsible parties about the reality.
I am unable to reveal any further information.
If security experts find the information credible, they should direct their inquiries to the French authorities.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

13/11 Paris Massacre: Cui Bono?

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Yesterday night things changed in an instant in Paris. The available evidence suggest that the assaults were carried out by a professional killer group who used live bombs among other weapons. Today’s post by Pepe Escobar on his Facebook page sheds some light on symbolism and timimg of the massacre:
Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers. This one left the scene undisturbed, and contrary to French police, may not have been captured. He wore no suicide vest.
French intel swears they are monitoring at least 200 nationals who came back from “Syraq”. Talk about a lousy job. Paris is hyper-policed. The mind boggles thinking of at least 8 jihadis promenading at will on a Friday night dressed as pro killers.
They picked a mix of heavily symbolic venues. You have a France-German match witnessed by the President in a stadium where all barriers – ethnic, religious – dissolve, a true symbol of multiculturalism. You have a gig by an American band in a concert hall filled with young people. You have your average, cool, neighborhood cafés in the 10eme and 11eme, young, hip, secular, bobo Paris hoods.
This points to a calibrated conceptual spectrum – carefully mapped out by French insiders; perhaps those “Syraq” returnees. This also points to a monumental fail by French intel and the Ministry of Interior.
Timing: crucial. Just as the US/Brits announce they “may” have evaporated with Jihad John. And a few hours before the Vienna talks are supposed to come up with an official Top Ten terrorist list in Syria.
As always, the honest response to the question cui bono might be the last (and perhaps major) victim of the 13/11 tragedy in Paris.
Several strong voices in favor of internal false flag version have already appeared, while the weak French government and secret services totally relying on ‘American partners’ are hardly possessing enough resources to orchestrate the drama of such scale.
The underline reading of the hot-caked Stratfor report on the Paris attacks (certainly presuming undoubtful and entire Islamic State involment) suggests that the American neocons want to see a bigger French boot on the ground in Syraq. (More elaboration on NATO’s mobilization as a result of 13/11 is done by Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire .)  They were also not satisfied by the French resilence to fully tumble into the pan-European refugee turmoil and general public indifference to anti-Islamic provocateurs from Charlie Hebdo. The only side effect bothering Stratfor analysts is the apparent rise of Marine Le Pen which, according to them, should be nipped by setting Nikolas Sarkozy at the same electoral field.
As a matter of fact, the bloody night in Paris was launched to definitely bury the European project as it was originally seen in Paris and Berlin – economically powerful and politically sovereign concert of nations. The symbolism of attacks’ initiation near Stad du France during the France-Germany friendly match is obvious. We will not be surprised if the French investigation of the attack would discover a clear German trace of the perpetrators. The rules of the genre demand such storyline.
Very few in Europe are still taking seriously the immutable fact that the European Union allied with the Eurasian resourse base is even a bigger nightmare for the Wall Street owners than the established Russia-China alliance (please read more on the issue in our yesterday’s update Grandmaster Putin’s Trap-2). The incumbent Wall Street-controlled EU bureaucracy is rapidly loosing not only public support in the European countries (it is mauvais ton in Brussels to raise this question for long already), but of the local business elites and other power groups. Replacement of the old EU bureacracy by new representatives who would take the way of sovereignization of Europe was at the public request in the continent and seriously challenged the transatlantic partnership (didn’t you forget French trade minister Matthias Fekl threat to quit TTP talks last month?). Reinforcing the latter was the urgent task of the Wall Street political stooges on both sides of the ocean. Once the Ukrainian project factually failed and due to the notable shift in French approach towards the European Eastern policy, a foundation of the new transatlantic concensus was desperately needed. Black banner nearby Eiffel was virtually hoisted  on the screens to disguide people from much more acute issues: what is the real agenda behind destabilization of the Middle East and where do the European interests rest in this regard?
So cui bono from this attack? Pour quel profit, France?
The propaganda cartoon, distributed on Saturday by the USA Today confirms the conclusions of this commentary.
The propaganda cartoon, distributed on Saturday by the USA Today confirms the conclusions of this commentary.


Paris Attacks: A Perfect Pretext For NATO To Mobilize in Syria and Iraq

To anyone who is really paying attention, the real agenda behind this ‘terror’ event in Paris – is a NATO-sponsored intervention in Syria and northern Iraq.
Also, for the time being, the following will now be buried: any talk of preserving privacy rights in the west, any debate on mass surveillance and bulk data collection, any vocal opposition against mandatory biometric ID’s in Europe, any criticism of Israel’s continued squeeze on the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the overdue Iraq War Inquiry in Britain, and of course – any political opposition to an increased western military presence in Syria, Iraq (and any where else).
RT America reports:
Numerous reports are linking the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 150 civilians dead in the French capital, to the Islamic State. But what would such a connection mean for France and, potentially, for NATO? Journalist and international analyst Patrick Henningsen (21st Century Wire) talks with Sean Thomas about the global impact of the Paris attacks…

READ MORE PARIS ATTACK NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Paris Attack Files

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