dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Syrie 10

Terwijl er nog veel onduidelijk is en niemand precies weet wie wat doet, willen de westerse leiders 1 ding zeker: regime-change in Syrie of anders begint het grootscheeps westers geweld. Onder strakke begeleiding van de zogeheten 'vrije pers' meent het Westen het recht te hebben in te grijpen. De Huffington Post:


Governments Around The World Expel Syrian Diplomats After Latest Massacre... 'Syria Has No Future Under Assad'
France, Germany, Britain, U.S. Oust Top Officials... UN: Entire Syrian Families Were Shot In Homes During Bloodbath... 49 Children Among More Than 100 Dead... HORROR: Disturbing Video Shows Slaughtered Kids... Most Shot In Head At Close Range... Even Russia Condemns


Leest u vervolgens eens rustig dit:


En let op: 'It is not clear whether Assad's forces were exclusively to blame for the slaughter of 108 people Friday in Houla, a collection of poor farming villages in Homs province. The United Nations said 49 children and 34 women were among the dead; some had bullet holes through their heads.
The U.N. Security Council blamed Syrian forces for artillery and tank shelling of residential areas, but it did not clearly state who was responsible for the close-range shooting deaths and "severe physical abuse" of civilians.'
Met andere woorden: het het is zeer wel mogelijk dat er standrechtelijk gemoord is door anderen dan het Syrische leger en toch moeten de mogelijk werkelijke terroristen beschermd worden door het vertrek van Assad te eisen. 

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