maandag 13 maart 2006

Iran 16

Tot april 2001 droeg deze supertanker van Chevron de naam: Condoleezza Rice. Uit dank voor haar werk voor de Amerikaanse oliemaatschappij, waar ze voor 35.000 dollar per jaar op de loonlijst stond, werd het in de Bahamas geregistreerde schip (om de Amerikaanse belasting te ontduiken) van 129.000 ton naar haar genoemd. Bovendien ontving ze, voordat ze de nationale veiligheidsadviseur en later minister van Buitenlandse Zaken werd, aandelen en andere extra voordeeltjes. Ze was de belangrijkste adviseur van Chevron voor Centraal Azie. Volgens de Amerikaanse geleerde Chalmers Johnson is 'Iran ... now the only serious obstacle to our military domination of the whole region.' Dus moet de enige dwarsligger nog van de Bush-regime gewelddadig aangepakt worden. Vandaar alle propaganda en de hetze tegen Iran. De Washington Post bericht: 'U.S. Campaign Is Aimed at Iran's Leaders. Uneasy About Tehran's Nuclear Plans, Bush Administration Tries to Build Opposition to Theocracy. As the dispute over its nuclear program arrives at the U.N. Security Council today, Iran has vaulted to the front of the U.S. national security agenda amid Bush administration plans for a sustained campaign against the ayatollahs of Tehran. President Bush and his team have been huddling in closed-door meetings on Iran, summoning scholars for advice, investing in opposition activities, creating an Iran office in Washington and opening listening posts abroad dedicated to the efforts against Tehran. The internal administration debate that raged in the first term between those who advocated more engagement with Iran and those who preferred more confrontation appears in the second term to be largely settled in favor of the latter. Although administration officials do not use the term "regime change" in public, that in effect is the goal they outline as they aim to build resistance to the theocracy. "We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in Senate testimony last week. "We do not have a problem with the Iranian people. We want the Iranian people to be free. Our problem is with the Iranian regime."' Lees verder:

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